Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Grand Reunion Event Committees

Greetings Batchmates! Excitements is indeed in the air as the JASHS Batch '82 Grand Reunion is just few months away! It is imperative that we prepare our minds and hearts for this momentous event. Part of our preparations is to organize the committee that will take off the preparation and flow of the programs. Let us just show our support and cooperation by actively joining to every sub-committee of your choosing. These are as follows:

Program Team: plans overall flow of activities/program direction; assigns production team; coordinates w/ logistics for support; handles documentation of the event; facilitation of games

Logistics: venue décor; sound system set up; audio visual equipments, PC laptop, projector etc.; catering, tables and chairs

Secretariat: handles and prepares registration materials, invitations, etc.; prepares and monitors budget (financial status); venue reservation

Marketing: solicit sponsors; printing of souvenir shirt and other paraphernalia; promotion of the event

Event ExeCom: coordinates all committees; selects Guest speakers and formulates program outlines; prepares sharers and audiovisual support etc.

General Services: overall cleanliness of the venue and peripherals during and after the event; secures the venue during the event, man the gates; prepare traffic flow and arrange parking of vehicles , assign marshals; prepare emergency contingencies / station medical personnel

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